Okay. Good morning. Is that too loud? It's too loud. Is that better? Oh, that's better. Okay. Good. Good morning, everyone. How's everybody today? Boy, you can sure tell it's winter. There's hardly anybody here compared to last month's. Jan, I have a microphone for you over there with my k. So our first report is gonna be the maintenance report from Rich. Good morning, everyone. Good morning. Thanks for coming. How about this 91 degree weather in the middle of October? So thanks for being here this morning. So since we last met on September 9th, we've completed 21 work orders. Many of you know from our conversation last month that the north storage lot, we installed a automatic gate. I think 4 or 5 days that gate was installed, we had 75 degree winds in here, and it snapped the welding that was put on. It has been repaired 2 days after it was snapped, and it's back functioning. So that gate to go in is on a keypad similar to the one in the south lot. I did not have a keypad installed to get out of there. There's a sensor that's about 15 feet from that gate with an 18 degree radius. And once you come close to that radius sensor in the ground, it will automatically open up the gate. The gate will come in and then you can exit. Any questions on that? Awesome. So moving forward, I think we mentioned to you last month that I was gonna be helping out in the office, which I am doing on Tuesday and Fridays. So I'm in the office assisting Gail and and Marsha and Jan, and I believe we also told you that we hired Randy Wolfinson. Randy and I used to be on the board of directors here. He's been a great, great, addition to the staff so thank you, Randy. I appreciate everything you do. Moving forward, we've spread some red rocks, those coral red rocks that you've seen around the common areas inside and outside the pool, we still have some work to be done in in that area especially right outside the social hall doors here, right outside the kitchen door, and we removed the dead stump that we lost probably a year and a half ago when we had over 90 mile an hour winds in here behind the mailboxes. So those river rocks and red rocks, will be respread. They dug that up to put a, line in a water line to go into the activity room that now has a sink in it. Talking about the mailboxes, above the mailboxes there are lights and those lights are not working so I am trying to follow the electrical lines to find out where the disconnect is so if you go there at night bring a flashlight or you'll have the light from your golf cart you'll you will not be able to see, We have water leaks in lot 54109 that were taken care of. Bushes in the common area inside and outside the pool have been trimmed. The water valves covers are finally painted. This week, we will be installing, a numerical stick with those valves will be numbered. Let me see. The sunscreens on the tennis and pickleball courts were re resecured after the wind. The community patio sale was uneventful as far as I was concerned. I didn't get any calls. There didn't seem to be any issues. Once again, the roll off was full, and thank you very much for, adhering to my request of not putting anything else in there or out there after I locked it. It was packed full, probably the the most I've seen since since I've been around. The electric door in the laundry room moved itself right off the wall sometime Saturday morning, I got a call I was down in the valley, visiting my 94 year old mom and the electric top is off so that door is inoperable right now. So if you will please use the door that is by the side by the water machine, I would expect the door to be fixed in the next day or 2. Luckily enough, the electric wires were not pulled out of the apparatus, so that will and and the guy who installed that put 15 anchors on that door. So there was a lot of pressure on that door. Gail and I watched it, off of the the cameras this morning. We watched it separate itself right off the wall. The pool will remain open until the end of October, so this is probably the longest we've ever had the pool open. I think last year we closed it on 15th October, but with the with the temperature being what it is, I see no issues why we can't keep it open and have a little bit more fun for the folks that do the aerobics and and the, the volleyball. Just so you're aware, there is a 20 foot light pole by lot 299 that is flickering. I am aware of it. We're gonna wait till 1 or 2 more are in the same status because I don't believe it's worth spending $1700 to purchase a lift to repair that so bear with us on that there are streets in here that do not have lights so you're not the only one I told you about that. During this winter when you come back in the spring or those of you who are already gone I'll be painting inside the laundry room. The end of this month, we will be cleaning up finally the mailboxes and renumbering those, and then there are some rooms in in the, area here, the social hall, the laundry room, the fitness room, and the pool pump room that need, the ceiling tiles addressed. Any questions for me? Thank you, one second Mary Anne and thank you for those who have made comment to me about the robocall and my dealings in the office I do appreciate it Thank you so much. Mary Anne? Hi Rich. I'm Mary Anne Schulte, lap 404. Just wanna know any update on the status of the big washing machine in the laundry room? Very good. So I'm gonna let Gail touch base about that. We've done some research and we have found well, first of all, we can no longer get parts for that antiquated piece of equipment in there. That piece of equipment has been in here since this place has been built. So I saw a paperwork that this place was built in 86 and 87. So you don't need a rocket scientist to figure out it's old, and we can't get parts for it anymore. As a matter of fact, Joe and I jerry rigged the dryer last year when that broke down. So that's coming, and I'll let Gail touch base about it. Okay? Alright. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Have a great day. Thanks, Rich. So, Rich mentioned casually that Marsha is he's helping out Marsha in the office, and Marsha has joined our staff at the office as the, office coordinator, and she's working 3 days a week. And the thing I love about her is the first day she volunteered for us was the day that we had the electricity go out to those 19 homes or whatever it was. And we were running around like chickens with our heads cut off, and she came in and she was just like, okay. I'm new here, but I'll figure out how to do it. And she just had a smile on her face, and I thought, well, this is perfect. She did a great job. So, the next report is from Mike Brown on the architectural committee. How much is in the reserve fund for a new washer? I'll I'll discuss it after I get done with their stuff. Hi. I'm Mike. I'm not too many people here. That's good. Fewer fewer people will throw stones. Let me do this, nice and quick and simple so you don't fall asleep, I hope. The amount of RFCs we process this month so far is 22. We've done 6 final inspections. We've got permits that have not been returned yet. 15 people still, in process of building. And we so far this year, we have 60 unreturned permits. So if you have them, please turn them in so we can make our job a little bit easier. Richard has a team working on the special projects now including home color charts and coordinating the colors and the of course, everybody loves those green sheets. Right? No stones. We're good. What we're gonna be doing is, he's also gonna be working on the architectural guidelines with the CC and Rs and park rules to make sure that the regulations and all these all these documentations, correlate, they don't conflict each other anything that's in there is going to be very simple to understand. Our we're bringing on board a few new volunteers, on our architectural office to help process the RFCs. We're also looking for more people who have volunteered to help. If you're interested or so inclined, come on down and then we'll talk. Please remember to file your RFCs in the office for any changes or any improvements to property, so we can add it to your lot file for future reference. The more information you have in your lot file when you if you ever decide to turn in your lot or sell your lot, that is valuable because that's those are improvements that have been made to your property that we will have record of. It's also very important for insurance references. Let's see. Oh, yes. We we turn be sure to return your permits when they're completed. Signed, make sure the back is filled out so there's a signature on that, otherwise, we can't process the return permits. And don't forget, 3rd Wednesday of every month, we have a meeting in the card room at 9 AM. Everybody is welcome, and if you have any questions you'd like to volunteer to help out, come on down. We're also in our architectural office, which is the other little bitty closet on the other side of the laundry room. We have our architectural meetings once a week there on Wednesdays at 9 o'clock. Anybody have any questions? Then I'm all done. Thank you. Thanks, Mike. Okay. Mary Anne Schulte, the new president of the Recreation Committee is gonna give a report. Good morning, everybody. I'm Mary Ann Schulte. First, I'd like to tell you about, the big event we have coming up in 2 weeks from last Saturday. The fall festival dance will go from 6:30 to 8:30. The band is KC and the Moonshine Band. Costumes are optional, and tickets are now on sale for that $10 on Mondays Fridays in the activity room from 10 to 12. Also coming up in November, the Veterans Day celebration event. Tickets will go on sale for that October 25th, and those are $10 for non veterans. Veterans will get a free meal, but you need to sign up and get a ticket for that. That will start 4:30 for the program, and then dinner at 5:5:20 in the social hall here. Also, coming up in November will be the Thanksgiving dinner potluck, and there'll be a sign up sheet for that coming up soon. Also, I'd like to tell you that if you're in charge of an activity or have a special event coming up in 2025, Room reservation forms will need to be turned in by October 30th so that we can make sure that there's no conflicts and that everybody has a space to continue their activity or to start a new one. At this time, we're looking for a couple of volunteers, one to be secretary of the recreation committee. I've prepared a detailed template, so it's just kind of fill in the blanks. It's fairly easy. We're also looking for a treasurer. Diane Ponter has her home in the villages up for sale. So once that sells, she'll no longer qualify to be treasurer. So we're also looking for someone to fill that position. So if you're interested in either one of those, just, come see me after the meeting or give me a call later. So thank you all. Any questions? Yes, Rich. Rich man lot 96 so those forms for the calendar can be picked up in the office. And also the activity room I made some extra copies in there, but they need to be turned back into the office. Anything else? Alright. Thank you for your attention. Thanks, Mary Anne. Okay. Do we have a representative from Neighbors Helping Neighbors? Okay. Alright. So the budget committee is going to meet on, October 18th, and I sent out a notice to you by page away, But I wanted to let you know, October 18th, 10 o'clock in the library. So this is for the budget committee, but any residents who want to participate or want to come and listen in are welcome to come. If you would let me know if you want to come, then I would appreciate it because if there's more than people who can fit in the library, I'll have to move it to another room. So let me know if you wanna come to that. And speaking of that, to answer your question, Sylvia, so when we do the budget, one of the first things I do is I look at the reserve study to see what, what assets that we have that are supposed to be, replaced or repaired from the reserve study. And one of the things on there was the washer, but they only had budgeted $10,000 for the washer. So as Rich said, we did a lot of research, and the best price we could get for the best possible washer is $19,000. Yeah. The Cadillac of washers in that, industry is a Speed Queen, and we tried to go to Home Depot and see if they had one. And they said, don't don't even bother. Just go with the Speed Queen because that's the one that's gonna last you the longest, and it's $19 for a new, for a new washer. So we've had to we put it on the budget, the capital expenditures for next year, and that will be one of the things that the budget committee will be discussing as to whether they're gonna replace that. Hopefully, you know, we do have the money in reserves so we can replace it. And, and, hopefully, the big washer won't break next year, and we can wait another year before we have to replace that, which will probably be about be about the same price. So hold on. What what's going on, Rich? Yes. So just so you're aware, the load capacity for this $19,000 washing machine is double the size of the capacity of the one we already have. Okay? So it'll it'll hold twice the amount so that's most likely why we're looking at twice the amount of money. Well, and since the one we have lasted since the eighties, we're hopefully, this one will last as long and none of us will be around by the time it breaks. Okay. Yes. Did I'm Bonnie. Lot 354. Did I understand, Rick, that the dryer is also having problems, or did I misunderstand that? You heard correct. They were able to repair it. Jerry. Yes. So we're looking at that possibly. Possibly next hopefully, not next year, but the year after that. But right now, we can still use it. Right now, we can. And the problem with the washer, as Rich said, is that they don't make that anymore. It's called a monarch, and the company's out of business, and there's no one who knows how to fix it. And we called every, commercial washer and dryer place in the whole Quad City area, and they all repair their own. So they don't have someone that we they they they could recommend for us to even try to get it repaired. Thank you. Okay. So, it's a little late, but if anybody has anything that needs to be changed on the activity schedule, if you give it to me today, I need to get it to, Rob tomorrow. So if you've got any changes on the activity schedule, let me know, or the on the event schedule. So I would appreciate that. The last thing I have, and it's not on your list, is, about 2 weeks ago, the board of directors asked me to send out a questionnaire about a survey that they want to create, and it may not have been clear. The questions that were given to us were questions that would just be on the survey that we would send out to everyone, and then the answers could be, given anonymously. So we would figure out a way that you would either mail them in or there would be a box that you could just put your answers or your concerns, but we wanted a list of what is the concerns of the residents. So if that wasn't clear in my request for survey, please look at it again, or I can give you another, copy of it. But we're really looking the board is really looking for questions that the residents have or concerns that they have so that they can get answers for those. And then take that survey and give those questions to everyone so that everyone can answer those questions if there's a concern or a comment. For instance, if, you know, if if you're not sure, if you don't like the way the reserve study is being done or you have concern about what we're gonna be doing in the common area or you have a a question about what we're doing with the governing documents or what governing documents need to be reviewed or, you know, something like that or even a question about who's it something on the staff. You can put that question on there, and then you will be able to answer it anonymously through, you know, a survey that we will do. Is that clear? Good. Is there anyone who wants to bring anything else up? Okay. This okay. Cheryl, lot 198. There's a rumor going around, and I know how you like to squelch those rumors. So, would you fact check this rumor that you are gonna be quitting at the end of the year or sometime soon? That is false. I had talked to the board about maybe retiring at the end of the year, but now that my husband's sick and he can't work, I'm going to have to stay on. So you guys will have to put up with me for a little while longer. I don't know why that pink is true. Sylvia Cortez, number 11. How do we answer anonymously if we are not here to the survey? Well, what I'm gonna be doing is sending out the survey, and it will have an answer sheet that you can send without your name, and then we'll have it so you can mail it to us. It'll go to a I don't know. It'll go to a drop box or go to an anonymous address or something like that. So it won't come to the office. It will come to some other other address, and then you can, you know, just answer anonymously. So we would put it in a mail it to an a a different address than the office. Yeah. And then it would be taken out of the envelope and dropped in a box or something inside the office? Is that No. It would go right to the board because this is the board who's asking for the survey, so it wouldn't be processed by the office. No. I I know it would be processed, but you have to have a gathering place for these it'll be a drop box of some kind. I don't know if they'll use, mailbox out there or, you know, something like that. Or we'll have a box to physically put the put it in if you want to or mail it, and then it'll just go directly to the board. Okay. Thank you very much. Uh-huh. Anything else? Alright. Thank you.